Hello fellow Riders! Welcome to our Litgear Shop. We are proud to introduce our new gear and products to you all. First things first, we should all learn to be safe on the road.
The main reason we created our LED Bluetooth connected gear, was to protect you and any of your family and friends who are riders just like yourself. So, let’s get into the safety tips we have put together for you.

Study shows that in the year of 2017 the fatality rate of motorcycle accidents was 5,172, and the death rate between the hours of 9:00pm to 12:00am was at 344 per night.
To reduce these numbers and make you more visible we use these tips:

- Always wear your helmet! No matter how annoyed you are of it. Safety FIRST!
- Choose gear you would wear on a daily basis.
- Jacket
- Helmet
- Gloves
- Jeans
- Over the ankle Shoes
- The color of your gear has a huge impact. Ex:
- Classic solid Black
- Solid White
- Solid Red
- Highlighter Yellow
- Wearing high visible gear has a 37% chance of a low crash rate.
It is not about “Motorcycle Fashion” It’s about “Motorcycle Function.”
Good thing about our gear. Not only is it about Motorcycle function, but we make sure you look cool as well. (;
Our gear has LED lights to make sure you are SUPER visible. Not only does it come with LED lights, but we also provide, turn signal lights, brake signal lights, and hazard lights. We want to make sure you are visible. But keep in mind, high visible gear cannot save your life. It helps protect you by making you visible to drivers who cannot see you. But remember, High visible gear only works when drivers are doing their part by paying ATTENTION to the road.
These are our tips we have for you. Please be safe. Until next time LitRiders. Remember to keep it Lit on the road. (;