Being visible to automobile drivers is a top concern for any motorcycle rider.
Do you consciously choose to wear high-visibility (hi-vis) motorcycle gear such as a jacket, vest or helmet? Why? Because it simply seems like a sensible idea, or is it because you were involved in a traffic incident where, as a rider, you weren’t seen?
Thousands of fatal motorcycle accidents occur every year because car drivers do not notice the presence of motorcycles on the roadway. One of the best ways to increase drivers’ awareness, and your obvious presence on the road, is to wear specially designed high-visibility clothing.
All motorcyclists need to recognize high-visibility clothing as an integral necessity to their riding ensemble.
Where Function Meets Fashion
We may believe that because we have a bright headlight or wear hi-vis gear, other road users will naturally see us. However, although they may see us as an object, they may not immediately register what it is that they are seeing or realize the actual distance between us— or be able to determine with any accuracy the speed at which we are approaching. Recognition, processing the information and acting on it, involves time and reflex, which is completely variable depending on the given situation and the actors involved.That being said, it is the very reason why we created LitGear, fashionable yet functional motorcycle gear, because safety doesn’t need to be boring but it does need to be life-saving.

LitGear was designed to revolutionize safety and visibility for motorcyclists to be seen during the day and night using Bluetooth technology. With a blend of LED and wireless technology, LitGear has created a safe and stylish product that is suitable for any rider. LitGear’s products are assembled at our Nevada facility using state of the art machinery and equipment.
Jackets and vests are customizable for colors and lighting. If you love the jacket you already have, you can purchase the Safety Light LED Kit separately.
If you are riding with friends, we encourage you to wear LitGear, make the entire group more visible to other motorists and save lives. #GETLIT